Saturday, July 21, 2007

GnuCash 2.2.0

Recently, the newest Windows-ported version of GNUCash was released and I have to say the wait is well worth it. I have a tendency not to saving money. I hate budgeting and my monetary plan usually exists in my brain. With GNUCash, there is finally a way to keep track of everything related to finances. Anyone who has used Microsoft Money or, for some reason, still does can tell how much capability there is in these type of programs. GNUCash provides this for free.

To say this program is easy would be a blatant lie. The learning curve is steep but worth the effort to plan everything out. You start out by creating a new file, from which a wizard will pop up. Create a basic account unless you want to spend more time customizing everything. The layout of the program is similar to other GTK+ related software such as the GIMP and Pidgin. The color scheme is monochromic with a basic and an icon toolbar at the top. The amount of options available is staggering at first but the help system is tutorial-based and very, very extensive. Immerse yourself in this, as they go through absolutely everything.

This program focuses particularly on the different ways that you spend money, not just checking accounts and loans. You have the ability to literally keep track of every single financial transaction you make, even when someone gives you 5 bucks randomly. If you run a business, this tool could make your business run extremely efficient. You have the ability to keep track of customers, employer's wages, and invoices that you may produce, along with vendors, bills, and taxes. Detailed reports outline every piece of data you have entered. It's mind-boggling.

Honestly, if you have the time and paitence to learn everything with this program, take it. Very few open source programs have the detailed documentation and the amount of features that GNUCash has. Let's hope that, as future updates are released, they find more ways to be creative with the layout. All in all, it get my...


Download link:
Home Page:

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